One Love Symposium
The One Love Symposium is a vehicle to improve the skills of education, health care, and Law Enforcement Professionals around key features of their jobs that have led to gross inequities in the treatment of individuals of different races and classes by getting the communities they have contact with to help us determine what they need to know about people.
This is a public scholarship event is intended to ask key stakeholders (youth, community members, educators, health care workers and law enforcement professionals) what they think these professions need to know about people to do their jobs well. We are hosting:
1. Summer Program Youth Data Gathering event in five locations across Michigan (Youth will conduct community interviews using educator-generated questions to create the first level of data collection in this fact-finding mission, June-July 2021)
2. Meet and Greet Fundraiser at the Blue LLama Jazz Club in September 2021; and
3. The semi-virtual One Love Symposium in February 2022. Our ultimate goal is to support Key Pillar Professions who can make a difference and help build communities where people feel valued because the professions that support them know what they value most.
Our funding formula is dynamic - the more you give the more they get!!!
Your donation supports:
• Cash Prizes for a Teen Writing Contest
• Teacher compensation
• Performer compensation
Thank you for your consideration!